Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cavalcade of Lights 2010

This was my first time checking out the cavalcade of lights and it was definitely a spectacle for the senses!  I was quite impressed with the firework display and the lights on the surrounding buildings, I hope to get a chance to visit Nathan Phillips Square again this month and some of the main tourist areas to capture more of the holiday spirit!  I was quite impressed with the amount of people who turned out for this, I could not even get close to the stage or the skating rink, it was that packed! Another attraction was the Bay store display windows, they seem to attract everyone from the young children to the elderly, I guess everyone can appreciate a good Christmas display. The Eaton Centre also had their giant Christmas tree as an attraction. Unfortunately due to the construction that is ongoing the tree looks terrible as the background or foreground to numerous scaffolding all around the mall.  The weather wasn't too cold, definitely good walking weather for a late November evening. All in all a pretty productive evening, hopefully I can continue this trend next week, stay tuned!

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